Pick battles big enough to matter, and small enough to win."
- Jonathan Kozol


Web Sites      (courtesy of unitela.com)

Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF)
The Annie E Casey Foundation (AECF) has worked to build better futures for disadvantages children and their families in the United States.  The primary mission of the Foundation is to foster public policies, human service reforms, and community supports that more effectively meet the needs of today’s vulnerable children and families.  AECF supports Small Schools as an important solution to the failure of jumbo schools in cities including Los Angeles.

Bay Area Coalition for Equitable Schools (BayCES)
The BayCES assists urban schools, school districts, and community groups in the work of creating or redesigning their schools.  This is an excellent introduction and comprehensive resource for educators, community leaders and families.

Bob Pearlman

Bob Pearlman has been a key leader of educational reform efforts nationally in a unique 30-year career as a Teacher, Co-Director of Computer Education, Teacher Union Leader and Negotiator, Foundation President, and Director of Education and Workforce Development. This site shares best practices and strategies for implementing and personalizing small learning communities.

Education Alliance at Brown University
All of our projects share in common a clear focus on applied research and technical assistance that reflects equity and diversity issues within schools. The Alliance is a regional service center in a contract with the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory and the Smaller Learning Communities (SLC) Program of the U. S. Department of Education

Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)

A federally funded national information system with one of the strongest and broadest research engines on the web. An “Ask ERIC” for Small Learning Communities produces over 1800 responses

Jobs for the Future
Jobs for the Future seeks to accelerate the educational and economic advancement of youth and adults struggling in our economy.  Select “Small Schools” under Educational Opportunities for Youth, and many valuable SLC resources and findings are listed.

New England Small Schools Network (NESSN)
The mission of the New England Small Schools Network (NESSN), launched through a generous grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is to demonstrate the power of small schools in successfully educating our increasingly diverse student population and preparing them for productive future lives in a democratic world.

National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities
The NCEF site hosts an extensive resource list of links, books, and journal articles examining research and changing standards for K-12 school and enrollment size, and class and classroom size, and Small Learning Communities.

NWREL Serving Smaller Learning Communities
This site is a project of the Smaller Learning Communities Program of the US. Department of Education. This program helps large high schools of 1,000 or more students to create smaller, more personalized learning environments. The Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) is the agency coordinating assistance to schools and districts around the country that have been awarded Department of Education grants to work toward creating smaller learning communities.

San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
then select Initiatives from the lower menu bar
The San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) has begun the second year of their Secondary School Redesign Initiative (SSRI), an effort to raise student achievement and to provide San Francisco families throughout the city with high quality secondary school choices. Their site gives insight into the reform dialog and evolving transformation from large to small school designs, including planning and implementation proposals

School Redesign Network
The School Redesign Network at Stanford University provides an opportunity to Access, Connect, Watch, Link and Discover the transformation from big to small schools.  This is an interactive site with regular group discussions moderated by leaders in the field of small learning reform.

Small Schools Project
The Small Schools Project, part of the Center on Reinventing Public Education at the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs provides support to the many new small schools being established in Washington State and throughout the United States.

Small Schools Workshop
Founded in 1992, the Small Schools Workshop is a group of educators, organizers and researchers collaborating with teachers, principals and parents, in the creation and support of small, innovative public schools. They work with the USDOE to provide information regarding SLC developments and funding opportunities.  Site includes extensive Research and “Bookshelf” resources and List serve.

Small Schools Workshop Northwest at Lewis & Clark College
The Small Schools Workshop is a resource for public schools and school districts engaged in restructuring and whole-school improvement. To further the work of the Chicago SSW, the Small Schools Workshop Northwest was founded in October 2000 at Lewis & Clark College to support the growing small schools movement in the Northwest.

Stanford University
Stanford’s site includes compelling research regarding conversion from large to small school design. On the home page enter a search for “small learning communities” and several good resources will appear.