Portfolio Table of Contents: Sample Recording Form

Portfolio Assessment: Sample Rating Scale

Sample Portfolio Assessment: Selection of Portfolio Items

Student Reflection: Sample Self-Assessment

Portfolio Item: Sample Collaborative Form

Sample Product Assessment: Descriptive Paragraph

Sample Anecdotal Record Form for Small Group Learning

Evaluating Student Portfolios
At the end of the term/semester/year when the portfolio is submitted for summative evaluation, it is useful to review the contents as a whole and record data using the previously set criteria. One method of recording data is to prepare a grid with the criteria listed down one side and the checklist or rating scale across the top. If there is need to assign a numerical grade, designate numbers to each set of criteria on the checklist/rating scale and convert the evaluation into a number grade. Some examples of portfolio assessment and recording forms follow. The teacher can adapt these sample forms or create new ones.
Student Portfolios
Portfolios: Handbook   <<click
This handbook is an introduction to portfolio based assessment presented by the Annenberg Foundation and the Small Schools Project.