Coaching Meets Standards for Effective Staff Development

School-based coaching meets many of the standards set forth by the National Staff Development Council (NSDC), the nation's largest professional association dedicated to improving teacher professional development.Recommendations in the latest NSDC standards, adopted in 2001 (and summarized here), include:

  • the organization of educators into "learning communities" that have clear goals consistent with school and district goals;
  • effective leadership to support "continuous instructional improvement";
  • the application of research to school and classroom strategies and decision-making;
  • support for teacher collaboration;
  • the development of educators' skills at increasing parent involvement.

View the NSDC standards online .

"They call it coaching, but it is teaching. You do not just tell them it is so. You show them the reasons why it is so."
                                                                         -Vince Lombardi

The Coaching Model
Coaching in High Schools

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