Design Team Leaders

Facilities Update is that the department is being contacted to assess their current timeline and determine the soonest they can share their drafts of the site division proposals.  HR issues and other NSDG Services transitions have required additional time and attention.
Please forward to our office current thinking as it pertains to the division of the site so as to incorporate that into the proposal development.  This will not be the only time to inform the proposal, but clarity around needs and goals will help the planning in the short term and the long term.

Shared Site Leaders should begin to go beyond identifying shared site spaces and consider possible protocols for use and projected needs of each school.


Walkthroughs have begun to asses electrical info
CS has been visited unbeknown, given NSDG illness last week (2/14-2/16)
Elm and Haven likely during the week of 2/20 - 2/24

· Preliminary Plans should be available for review in the coming 1-2 weeks.
· P., A., and M. (DTL's) have seen DRAFTS from NSDG. We can preview others upon request.
· BE AN ADVOCATE FOR YOUR SCHOOL while supporting one another.
· Decisions are made very quickly, and those who know what they need are more often served.


1. Getting team member to assist in creating a beautiful display of your new school plans in the main hall of the current SITE (No words can describe how vital and pivotal this is, and how important it is to do ASAP, POST HASTE!)

2. Developing a vision AND PLAN for what will establish the VISIBLE identity of your school that you may have control over. Consider costs, help needed, timeline.
3. Identify the shared spaces and consider your predicted need for those spaces during the course of the DAY and the YEAR. BEGIN TO CHART YOUR IDEAS.
Click for full size image

click image
of former UPA hallway

Shared Site Rotation Schedule

Shared Site Plan Agenda

Shared Site Space Calendar

Shared Site Binder Use


" a system in which people are expected to follow precisely defined rules and procedures rather than to use personal judgement."
While developing strategies to share sites, be mindful of the fine line between procedures and bureacracy.  Somewhere in the middle lies trust.



 Shared Main Entrance:
Issues include the opportunity for students across schools to view entrance as "mixed accountability" and re-directing students by adults becomes challenging.  Monitoring the entering of "visitors" becomes challenging.  Ensuring that service providers are clear.
Shared Copy Room:

Concerns about "proper machine use", paper consumption, service costs, patterns of use that are predictable for teacher planning
Common Spaces:
(Gym, Cafeteria, Auditorium, Library)
Maintaining equal use requirements, restrictions, and guidelines to be followed by ALL.  Posting signage that communicates the expectations of use for shared space.  Scheduling space with an eye for equity.  Seek patterns of "sharing" that communicate to students that they are trusted and that being together is OK, while adults, in private, hash out the "issues" and eek individual school use when appropriate.  Goal:  Students do not adopt a "territorial" mentality.

Need them?  Factory model?  Conssider the power of no bells and where the accountability and responsibility shift.
Shared Staff Lounge:
Consider the benefits of a shared staff lounge to promote collegiality, a professional learning community, ally-ship, shared problem-solving, cros-campus communication, and many, many more...
Shared Bathrooms:
Issues of property abuse, tudent to student harassment, challenges to investigate vandalism, conflicts across campus.

More to come...