Struggling Readers:

"I Read It, But I Don't Get It"
Cris Tovani

Part 1 Setting The Stage
1. Fake Reading
- Establishing Expectations
- Disarming the Defenses

2. The Realities of Reading
- I'll Do Anything But Read
- I Read The Words But What Do They Mean?
- Redefining Reading
- Shouldn't The Have Learned This In Elementary School?
- What's To Come?

Part 2 In Support of Strategic Reading
3. Purposes for Reading: Access Tools
- Purpose is Everything
- Thinking Aloud
- Marking Text
- Double Entry Journals
- Using Comprehension Constructors
- The Importance of Modeling
...What Works

4. Conversations with Cantos: Tracking Confusion to its Source
- Real World Monitoring
- How Do I Know I'm Stuck?
- Now That I Know I'm Stuck, What Do I Do?
- Are You Listening?
- What Are We Supposed To Hear?
- It's About Listening
...What Works

5. Fix It!
- Rereading is ONLY The Beginning
Strategies to "Fix Up" Confusion
   * Making Connections to Your Life, the World, and Another Text
   * Make a Prediction
   * Stop and Think About What You Have Already Read
   * Ask a Question
   * Write About What You've Read
   * Visualize
   * Use Print Conventions
   * Retell What You've Read
   * Reread
   * Notice Patterns in the Text Structure
   * Adjust Reading Rate: Slow Down or Speed Up
- Driving and Reading
- Repairing Confusion
- Practice Makes Perfect
...What Works

6. Connecting the New to the Known
- Blurring Boundaries
- This is Language Arts - Who Cares About Social Studies?
- Personal Knowledge - Personal Experience?
- But I Don't Have Any Connections: A Classroom Example
- So How Does It Help Me?
- Connection Can Repair Confusion
...What Works

7. What Do You Wonder?
- Who Is Really Doing The Work?
- Real-World Questions
- On To The Text
- Good Readers Ask Good Questions All The Time
- Why Teach Questioning?
- Guiding Their Practice
...What Works

8. Outlandish Responses: Taking Inferences Too Far
- Its My Opinion
- When Teaching The What, Don't Forget The How
- Encouraging Probable Outcomes
- Bound By Words
- What Exactly Is an Inference?
- Practice, Practice, Practice
- Seen and Unseen Text
- Text Bound, Outlandish, or Just Right
...What Works

9. What's The Plan?
- Why Teach Strategies
- The End Is Just The Beginning

Part 3 Access Tools
A. Double Entry Diaries

B. Comprehension Constructors
C. Coding Sheets