Reflections provided by leaders on how to improve the role of design team leader.  PLEASE CONTRIBUTE!!! 

- We should go to the principal network meetings at the start of the year.

- Mentor principals  could use more of an orientation and support around the goals and objectives of the mentorship.
- Shadow days are a structure to try and get a little more exposure to the experience of principalship

- Current incubating site administration and design team leaders should be supported to form shared site committees in September

- A final product list, exemplars, and criteria should be available at the start of incubation

- HR having determined the Credentialing requirements, the hiring process for new schools and the teacher recruitment strategy in advance would allow for more pro-active designs.

One of the greatest challenges of school leadership is the tremendous isolation that can be felt by those with whom the buck stops.  In an effort to provide shared insight and collective guidance, this section allows for leaders to share thoughts, ideas, experiences, highlights, and challenges in their work.  PLEASE consider contributing reflections at anytime.  Drop an email to papamontes. 

   Renewed Community Engagement...

Thank you Aaron, for obliging a request to share these reflections with others...

In the past few days, I have found myself back out doing some community outreach events, and it has reminded me about the importance of doing this work. It was energizing, especially after getting bogged down in so many details of planning, budget, and hiring.

On Saturday we went out for another round of door to door work in the housing project across the street from school. One of my parents in particular has been the driving force behind doing this kind of work. We had been out once before in December, and this was our first time back out. In the end it wasn't about how many families we reached but the quality of interactions with each. The personal face to face conversation about what we're trying to do and why, with people for whom it matters because it's their community, has an energy that can only come from this type of interaction. It is, in the most honest way possible, about building relationships and changing expectations.

   One-to-One Inspired...

After this I had the opportunity to do a one-on-one with a parent who has signed up for our school. He was someone who I had heard great things about, and we had been trying to connect for some time. Our (one) hour conversation again brought me right back to this same feeling of the development of relationships and the changing of expectations. He...put his faith in us and our work, where previously he was DEFINITELY not sending his daughter to the current school. His expectations have been changed, and he is ready to be there to make it happen.

Both these experiences felt like I reconnected to the beginning of our work when the focus was on community engagement. It reminds me of how important [it] is to be  constantly doing community engagement. It's not a 'strand'. It's not a 'product'. It's the fundamental approach to our work. Empowering the families and people of our community to believe in and own the schools they're [children] attend.

Design Team Leaders