Shared Site News:

Shared Visions for Categorical Spending
4/21/06 NEW!!!
At the Simmons shared site meeting it was communicated that Greg had acquired support from Ryan James, his secretary, and their Categorical TSA to input all of the categorical spending that the team had agreed to on Monday, April 23rd.  This will undoubtedly take a large load off the leaders and, as Greg mentioned, provide time to address discrepencies before April 30th.

Action Step: Seek a similar strategy for Havencourt's spending.

Site Inventory Prep
4/21/06 NEW!!!
Given the craziness of the past week, Allison has moved the inventory deadline to April 28th. 
Shared site committees at Simmons and Havenscourt have met with central office support staff regarding the necessary inventory of site assets. This involves identifying the location and condition of all valuable equipment and resources. While a previous inventory of items was provided, this will still be a somewhat daunting task.
Sites are making arrangements to coordinate with teachers to complete the inventory of their classrooms and provide an asset map of the campus to then discuss within the shared site committee how to equitably distribute assets among the three schools sharing the site in the fall.
With the impending testing period, possible teacher job action (strike), and the late notice, this process falls on the site leadership to determine the best course of action.

Some suggestions include:
Inviting staff at a staff meeting to select whether to complete the inventory over a period of weeks or to complete it on a given afternoon as a staff. Others are considering doing the work themselves to not over-burden teachers. 

Action Step: Complete site inventory by April 28th.

4/21/06 NEW!!!
Meetings have been held with Monique from NSDG regarding facilities with Simmons and Elmhurst.
Simmons reviewed the concerns and goals of separate entrances for ingress and egress, partitions or other stratgeis to develop visual barriers between schools, a division of the campus that meets a variety of goals.
A proposal for the placement of the three schools was put on the table by Greg after considering a previous proposal by Phil.  Discuss of shared RSP spaces for 6/7th graders, bathroom sharing, and access to shared spaces.

Questions about where students enter the campus with consideration for where students live was raised.

As well leaders are reviewing their SSO allocation in RBB to determine appropriate allocation and seeking additional support from the SSO office to scaffold the frst year.

A meeting will be held the week of April 23rd with Havenscourt to discuss the site division. 
Each school (8th and new) should draft and discuss considerations for their school's needs.
This includes putting forth suggestions around:
- Main entrance for each school:
- Main office location for each school:
- Total number of classrooms needed:
- Shared spaces OTHER THAN common spaces (eg. cafeteria)

Action Step: (Simmons) Determine options for partitions to divide spaces, determine SSO allocation and resources needed to scaffold support, discuss and determine strategy for shared space use, determine shared RSP space, review attendance office space for main office use by one school.

Human Resources
Currently new schools have completed their initial round of interviews for candidates of the consolidating schools. Simmons, Havenscourt and Elmhurst have put forward their recommendations for the hiring of staff at the current sites. In total, of those teachers who sought positions at one or more of the new schools opening at their current sites, twelve teachers from Simmons and Havenscourt have been recommended for positions for the coming year.
An incomplete list of staffs for each consolidating has been received by NSDG and is being updated and separated to send to site leaders to assist in informing which senior staff are eligible for available positions at the consolidating school.
Principals are encouraged to complete initial master schedules for the coming year to ensure a clear picture of staffing needs.
The HR timeline has changed and the previously stated dates for which the consolidating staff would be availed vacancies for the coming year has been changed. These changes affect all other dates presented by HR to sites back in March. This will mean that staff who do not wish to remain at the site or who were not recommended for hire by the new schools, will review the Position List to select positions at a date later than previously stated by HR. The current draft HR calendar is still being finalized, and HR will be presenting the calendar to site leaders and NEx'O's personally in the coming week/s. (This is unofficial, based on a variety of sources.)

Action Step: Complete master schedules for staffing and share with current staff updates regarding HR calendar changes.  (Also suggest informally assessing staff qualifications to preliminarily ID senior staff prior to recieving incomplete HR list.)