School Climate

"Positive Discipline in the 

Jane Nelsen, et. al.

Developing Mutual Respect, Cooperation, and 
Responsibility in Your Classroom
Focus on the development of students’ emotional intelligence.

- "skills in empathy, cooperation, persuasion, and consensus building, as well as the ability to read one’s feelings, to control one’s impulses and anger, to calm one’s self down, and to maintain one’s resolve and hope in the face of setbacks." Daniel Goldman

Reduce competition in schools.

Make success and learning available to all.
Positive Classroom Jigsaw Puzzle

The Significant Seven:

Three Empowering Perceptions

  1. Perception of personal capabilities: "I am capable"

  2. Perceptions of significance ion primary relationships: "I contribute in meaningful ways, and am genuinely needed"

  3. Perceptions of personal power and influence in life: "I use my personal power to make choices that influence what happens to me and my community"

Four Essential Skills

  1. Intrapersonal Skills : Understand personal emotions; self-discipline, self-control, learn from experiences

  2. Interpersonal Skills : Ability to work with others through listening, communicating, cooperating, negotiating, sharing, and empathizing

  3. Systemic Skills : ability to respond to the limits and consequences of everyday life with responsibility, adaptability, flexibility, and integrity

  4. Judgment Skills : Ability to develop wisdom and evaluate situations according to appropriate values

Power of Caring:

Barriers and Builders:

Barrier 1: AssumingBuilder 1: Checking

Barrier 2: Rescuing/ ExplainingBuilder 2: Exploring

Barrier 3: DirectingBuilder 3: Inviting/ Encouraging

Barrier 4: ExpectingBuilder 4: Celebrating

Barrier 5: AdultismsBuilder 5: Respecting