Design Team Leaders

UbD Exchange Helpful Links:
Stage 1-Links to Content Standards
Mid-Continent Regional Education Laboratory (McREL)
A searchable database of 225 content standards and 3,968 benchmarks in 14 subject areas.
The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)
Links to all state education departments from which each states content standards are accessible.
British National Curriculum
Content standards for all disciplines.
National Curriculum
Stage 1-Understandings
Identified "big ideas" in English Language Arts and Drama, Health,Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Foreign Language,History and Social Science, Library/Information Services, Mathematics,Music, Science and Technology/Engineering, Visual Arts.
Weston Public Schools, MA
The Mathematics Curriculum Framework presents Essential Understandingsand Essential Knowledge and Skills related to the Virginia Standards ofLearning. NOTE: Not all of the understandings are stated in UbD form(i.e., as full-sentence generalizations around big ideas). However,many of the stated understandings could be re-worded to fit UbD.(Virginia Dept. of Ed.)
Curriculum Framework 2002
Science Atlas of Scientific Literacy (AAAS Project 2061)
Presents "big ideas" in science according to conceptual strands (e.g.,force, motion). The ideas are organized as K-12 concept maps toillustrate the developmental progression of understanding of importantideas in science. The maps also show links to related concepts. Samplemaps are accessible on the web site along with ordering information forthe entire Atlas.
Atlas of Scientific Literacy
Connecticut Science Standards framed using Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings (mostly topical).
Connecticut State Dept. of Education
Social Studies
The Social Studies Curriculum Framework presents Understandings,Essential Questions and Essential Skills related to the VirginiaStandards of Learning in History and Social Science.
Virginia Studies
Texas Social Studies Center
Sample units (K-12) based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills(TEKS) in Social Studies. The sample units are constructed using theUnderstanding by Design framework and are downloadable in PDF fileformat. To access-click on "Tool Kit" for respective grade levels, thenclick on "Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment," then click on"Exemplary Curriculum Units with Performance tasks and Rubrics." Eachfile set includes a tutorial and directions for creating a UbD unit.
SSC - Social Studies Center
New York Department of Education
The Core Curriculum Guide presents key concepts, understandings, and essential questions in Social Studies.
CI&A Social Studies
The Peace Corps
Curriculum materials built using the UbD framework.
(WWS) Voices from the Field
(WWS) Building Bridges
(WWS) Insights from the Field
Stage 1- Essential Questions

From Now On

Examples of various types of essential questions (e.g., divergent, clarifying, strategic) and a helpful tutorial.

Educational Technology Journal


The Coalition of Essential Schools

Describes the use of essential questions as a means of organizingcurriculum development, with examples of overarching essentialquestions.

CES National Web


English/Language Arts

Presents literary themes and essential questions in English/LanguageArts. Click on "Curriculum" link, then "Language Arts."

Pomperaug Regional District 15
Greece Central School District
Curriculum Framework
Presents essential questions in Mathematics. Click on "Curriculum"link, then "Themes for Mathematics" and "High School - Pre-Calculus."
Pomperaug Regional District 15
Science MI CLiMB Science
An extensive collection of essential questions (called Focus Questionin this document) based on the Michigan science standards andbenchmarks.
MI CLiMB Science
Connecticut Science Standards framed using Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings (mostly topical).
Connecticut State Dept. of Education
Paumperaug, CT Region 15 - High School Science Courses
Presents essential questions in high school science courses. Click on"Curriculum" link, then "Science" then click on course titles.
Pomperaug Regional District 15
Biology - AP
Offers essential questions for the following course topics - Chemistryof Life, Cells, Cellular energetics, Heredity and Evolution, Moleculargenetics, Evolution, Diversity of organisms. Structure and Function ofplants and animals, Ecology
Murray City School District
A course map containing essential questions for various unit topics.
Sandusky Curriculum Physical Science
Social Studies
Presents essential questions in Social Studies. Click on "Curriculum"link, then "Social Studies" then click on specific titles.
Pomperaug Regional District 15
Technology Education
Presents essential questions in Computer Design, Graphic Communicationand Manufacturing. Click on "Curriculum" link, then "TechnologyEducation" then click on course titles.
Pomperaug Regional District 15
World Languages
Presents essential questions in World Languages. Click on "Curriculum"link, then "World Languages" then click on course titles.
Pomperaug Regional District 15
Stage 2 - Performance Assessments

New York State Department of Education

Assessment ideas, scoring guides (rubrics) and samples of student workillustrating various performance indicators based on the NewYork StateContent Standards.

  • The Arts - Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts
  • English As A Second Language
  • Languages Other Than English
  • English Language Arts
  • Health, Physical Education, and Family & Consumer Sciences
  • MST - Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
  • Social Studies
  • CI&A Learning Standards


    Connecticut Department of Education

    Sample assessment tasks, scoring rubrics, and student work samples inmathematics, music, science, social studies, and visual arts.


    Practical Classroom Assessment Tools

    National Institute for Science Education


    Southern Maine Partnership

    A searchable database of performance tasks and student samples in various subject areas/grade levels.

    Electronic Learning Marketplace


    Lincoln Intermediate Unit, PA

    A collection of classroom performance assessment tasks and units inlanguage arts, mathematics, science, and social studies at variousgrade levels.

    Lincoln Intermediate Unit No.12


    Chicago Public Schools

    Ideas for performance assessment tasks.

    Chicago Public Schools




    Performance assessments in Geography, grades 5-8.

    Alternative Assessment in Geography





    A collection of performance assessment tasks in mathematics, science and language arts available through subscription.

    Exemplars K-12


    Balanced Assessment Project

    A library of over 300 mathematics assessment tasks and scoring guides for K-12.

    Balanced Assessment




    PALS - Performance Assessment Links in Science

    An extensive collection of performance assessment tasks and scoringguides in science, accessible via a searchable database.



    MI CLiMB Science

    A comprehensive collection of classroom performance assessment tasksand scoring rubrics based on the Michigan science standards andbenchmarks.

    MI CLiMB Science


    Technology Education


    Performance assessment tasks for grades 5, 8, and 11.

    Tech Performance Assessments

    Stage 2 - Rubrics


    The following sites contain examples of scoring rubrics in various subjects and product/performance areas.


    Chicago Public Schools Rubric Bank

    A searchable collection of rubrics in various subject areas.

    Chicago Schools Rubric Bank


    University of Wisconsin (Stout) - Rubrics

    Univ of Wisconsin (Stout) - Rubrics


    Quakertown, PA Public Schools

    Quakertown - Rubrics


    British National Curriculum

    Developmental scoring rubrics in various content areas.

    National Curriculum


    National Curriculum in Action

    Developmental rubrics and examples of students' work with commentaries for many subject areas

    National Curriculum in Action



    An excellent rubric generator; includes many examples



    The Rubricator

    A commercial site featuring a rubric generator and sample rubrics


    Subject - Specific

    The following sites provide rubrics for specific subject areas.



    NW Regional


    Reading and Writing

    Rhode Island Rubrics
    Greece Central School District
    The MiddleWeb Listserv


    Reading/Literary Analysis Rubric

    Reading Benchmark Performance Assessments


    Social Studies Rubric

    Social Studies Benchmark Assessments
    Sample Document Based Questions (DBQ)





    Several versions of mathematics rubrics are accessible from the Homepage. Click on "Resources," then "Rubrics" to access several excellentexamples.

    Exemplars K-12



    Sample rubrics and suggestions for use in science.

    Windstar On-Line Curriculum
    MCPS Science
    Science Laboratory Rubric and Template
    Pomperaug Regional District 15
    (Click on "Curriculum," then "Dimensions of Student Work")


    Science Rubric

    Science Benchmark Assessments


    NW Regional Lab - Six Trait Writing Rubric

    NW Regional


    World Language Rubrics

    Foreign Languages - ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines

    ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines


    A collection of analytic and holistic rubrics for speaking and writingin World Languages for Levels 1-5. The site includes conversion tablesfor translating rubric scores to percentages for grading. (FairfaxCounty, VA Public Schools)

    Fairfax County Public Schools



    The 6-trait writing rubric is provided as a downloadable PDF file. Suggestions for use and a scoring tutorial are included.

    NW Regional

    Stage 3 - Lesson Plans and Instructional Resources


    The following sites contain extensive collections of lesson plans andinstructional resources in various subjects and grade levels.


    The Educators Reference Desk

    The Educators Reference Desk


    Mid-Continent Regional Education Laboratory (McREL)



    Discovery School





    MarcoPolo - Internet related lessons



    Teams Distance Learning

    Teams Distance Learning


    Columbia Education Center's Mini Lessons

    Columbia Ed Mini Lessons


    Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators

    Kathy Schrock's Guide


    Blue Web'N - Knowledge Network Explorer

    Offers a gateway to an extensive collection of education sites.

    Blue Web'N


    Web Quests

    A juried list of examples of effective web quests for various subjects and levels.

    Web Quests News
    Web Quests


    WEB QUEST Generator

    WEB QUEST Generator



    Practical suggestions for setting up I-Search projects.



    Graphic Organizers

    An excellent collection of graphic organizers for use in varioussubject areas. Click on "Curriculum" link, then "Graphic Organizers."

    Pomperaug Regional District 15


    Graphic Organizers - Reading and Literature

    Reading Benchmark Performance Assessments

    Creative Learning Exchange
    Units and lessons based on "systems thinking" in English/Language Arts Mathematics, Science and Social Studies
    Creative Learning Exchange
    Curriculum Online
    Instructional resources from Great Britain
    Curriculum Online


    The following sites provide lesson plans and instructional resources for specific subjects.


    Arts - Visual and Performing
    Art's Edge - Kennedy Center



    English/Language Arts/Reading

    Literacy Matters
    Teachit's English Teaching Resources
    Muskingum College



    Lesson plans, elementary through high school.

    Literacy Matters Lesson Plans


    Children's Literature Web Guide

    Children's Literature


    Outta Ray's Head

    Presents a collection of lesson plans and links for the secondary level.

    Outta Ray's Head



    Lesson plans and instructional resources related to the 6 Trait Writing rubric.

    Kent Lesson Plans
    Six Trait Writing
    Writing Outcomes Grades 6-12



    Links to many lesson plan sites for a variety of math topics and grade levels.

    Math Archives
    ENC Online
    Math Forum


    Virtual Manipulatives for Mathematical Concepts

    Interactive Mathematics


    Physical Education and Health Education

    Lesson plans, instructional resources, and links.

    Sports Media



    A wide variety of lesson plans, instructional resources, and links.

    Science NetLinks
    ENC Online
    Science Lessons
    Imagine the Universe
    Thursday's Classroom
    NASA Explores
    Frey Scientific
    Utah Education Network
    Elem Science Lesson Plans


    Biology/Life Sciences

    Human Body
    Microscopic World





    Earth Science

    Earth Science





    Forensic Science

    Forensic Science


    Physical Science

    Physical Science

    Links to many sites and resources in physical science.

    Physlinks - Educators




    Links to many sites and resources for astronomy.

    Physlinks - Astronomy




    Weather Lessons


    Science Software

    Reviews of instructional science sites.



    Social Studies/History

    Lesson plans, elementary through high school.


    Library of Congress - lesson plans and primary source documents

    The Library of Congress

    Offers links to a wide variety of instructional resources for many topics.

    Montgomery County Social Studies

    UbD units and instructional resources

    Alief Independent School District



    A searchable database of lesson plans, elementary through high school.




    Lesson plans and instructional resources.




    US History
    World History
    Ancient History



    Lesson plans and instructional resources in History, Social Studies, Literature, Arts and Foreign Language.





    Problem-Based Learning Units
    Problem Based Social Studies
    Problem Based Economics
    Problem Based Art

    Understanding by Design


    Documents that support Understanding by Design (UbD) approach...









    Product Dimensions
    Writing Rubrics 5-6th Grade
    Writing Rubrics 7-8th Grade
    Article: Backward Planning
    UbD Planning Template A
    UbD Planning Template B
    UbD Planning Template C
    UbD Curriculum Framework (PowerPoint)
    UbD Overview (PowerPoint)
    Essential Questions (For Literature)