New Student & Family Events

- Have sign in sheets for every event with
- Have someone be responsible to film the
you have.  Later, these clips will
become part of a powerful story that
future new families will need to learn,
so that the legacyof change is engendered.

- The details matter.   Have table cloths,
flowers, candles, pictures & artifacts of
the design work out, a very clean
and organized space.

- Snacks and drink ARE a big deal,
no matter how short the event. 

- When students and parents can
information on behalf of
the team, EVERYONE will listen!!! 

- Have a clear agenda.

- Share the roles



- Always be seeking the conversations afterwards, and
those families that stick around to ask questions...
hook them into volunteering and possible leadership.
Historically, THESE are the families that are willing
to go the extra mile.  It has ALWAYS been the
families that stay after to ask questions .
Don't wait.  Get them hooked in now.

- At the events where just students are together,
ALWAYS do some inclusion activity

- Have name tags for everyone.

- Always remind the participants of the problematic
patterns your work is trying to interrupt .  Keep this VERY
TRANSPARENT.  It is the only way to share in the change

- Always try to have some artifact or product from
your time together that can serve as growing
evidence of your work.
Could be:
     - Survey
     - Photos
     - Art activity
     - Video
     - Notes from a discussion
     - Brainstorm
     - Volunteer sign-up
     - Commitment to a phone tree
     - Membership on a committee
     - etc...

- Ceremonialize your events with a common beginning
and ending.  This may be a review of your
community agreements at the start and appreciations
at the end.  It could be a reading of the mission at
the start and a reflection on what everyone is walking
away with at the end. 

- Have handouts and other documents for families.

- Translate what you say and what you give.  Spanish at least.
Other much better.
  (Though often hard, understood)

- Honor the time.   Nothing causes a decrease in attendance of
school events faster than going over time.  A few minutes at most.
more than 10 is too much.

- Engage PERSONALLY with under-respresented families (African American, Asian, East European, Native American.).  Make a personal connection so that, though they didn't see many peers, they feel
valued and wanted.  Don't be surprised if they come at the beginning and drop-off later without some personal connecting when they do come.
